Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Three More Days

Two weeks ago, I was counting down the seconds to winter break and silently cursing my district for making us go to school through December 21st. Fast forward to today, and I am SO happy to have three more days off due to that incredibly long week.

That being said, Newly had to go back to work today (and he's sick) so we went to bed earlier than we have for most of Christmas break and big surprise; I couldn't fall asleep. No matter how hard I tried, my mine would not shut off. So, I made a list of things that I need (or want) to do to be prepared for next week. Here goes:
  • Make/prepare documents for report card assessing. (Due to the craziness of pre-winter break, I totally forgot that the nine weeks was ending and that report cards go home on January 10th. I have some serious assessing to do Monday and Tuesday.)
  • Inspired by Sherry Petersick at Young House Love, I have several "Dude, get on that already" ideas/projects that I've been putting off.  Here are a few:

    Sources (or what I could find as sources)
    Most importantly, I want to get the "I'm done" cup started and finished. I have been blessed with amazing students. They are so smart and are lightning fast when I give them work to do. This usually causes problems once they're done thought because they either all want to show me that they're finished or they are raising their hand asking what they should do now. This cup will take care of that so I can focus on my Teacher Table without 15 different interruptions. 
  • Plan and prepare meals. All teachers know that your "30 minute" lunch break is more like a 13 minute rush to finish your food. The easier the meal, the better. Unfortunately, easy usually means something like microwaveable mac and cheese or leftover pizza. Neither one of those items is filling or part of my wedding tone-up plan. I got an awesome insulated (and monogrammed) lunch bag and new Tupperware for Christmas that I need to put to good use!
  • New Clothes: More specifically, I need some new black slacks. I'm not much of a skirt wearing teacher - my teacher wardrobe consists of slacks, tops, cardigans, and flats. I bought new cardigans at Target's after Christmas sale and now I need to find some new pants. I haven't bought any since being hired and the ones that I have been wearing need some serious updating. 
If there is any leftover time, or if I feel like procrastinating some more, I also need to clean up my pinterest and buy the materials I need for craft day coming up. Which also means that I need to decide on a craft! 


Hall Around Texas said...

Today is my first day back since the 21st - boo! I hope that Newly gets to feeling better. Do you have a Maurice store anywhere near you? I recently discovered them (we actually have one in Hachie, surprise surprise!) and they have cute clothes!! Good luck with the slack hunt.

Holly said...

I haven't ever seen (or even heard of) a Maurice store. I'm going to have to google them though and see what I can find. Thanks for the info! Hope work went by really fast!

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